New Hope church:

Receive Life. Live to Give.

Two locations:

Castle Rock - Meeting Online Sunday’s at 3pm

Parker - Meeting Online Sunday’s at 3pm


Join us!

Online: Facebook Live @ 3pm @newhopeparker


Our Mission

New Hope is driven by God’s call to “make disciples”. We are creative in how we connect to God’s children, knowing that the current lay of the land is unlike any we have seen before. We are made for such a time as this, and such a place as this!

Learn More


I’m New Here

This is different. It’s probably unlike any church you’ve been a part of. If your desire is to connect on a deeper level, challenge yourself to grow, and have a mission and purpose to impact the community around you with the gospel, you will fit right in!




Receive Life. We connect as small discipleship communities, with the purpose of being discipled by Jesus himself through God’s Word.




As we connect with God’s Word and each other, we grow together as the body of Christ.




Live to Give. As we have received life, we have the New Hope the world needs. We are then get to live on mission, and give our life away to those around us.



Here’s How

Our Two-Fold Mission

Receive Life.

We know that life is tough. If we’re trying to receive from anything other than the Word of God, we will easily become weary, and lose heart. We gather as a large group, as small groups, and as discipleship groups of 3-4 because we believe in building each other up, bearing each other’s burdens, and being in the Word of God together.

Live to Give.

As we receive life, we are given the gift of giving life as well. We believe that a life worth living, is worth giving away. In our gatherings, we equip people to engage in relationships in the places we live work and play. The world is placing their hope in anything and everything they can get satisfaction in. But it’s temporary if it’s not in Jesus Christ. He brings us the hope we need. We then get to give that hope to others who so desperately need it.

Family Group - Castle Rock on Sundays & Parker on Mondays

Families and individuals who gather in homes for food and fellowship to grow in faith together.

Discipleship Group

2-3 people, gathering to grow together in truth and love.

Worship Gathering - Quarterly

We gather everyone to worship together.

Individual Meeting

We’re always ready to lend an ear to someone who needs it.


Get Involved

Here is a description of how to get involved. Integer euismod, lorem sed molestie gravida, justo mauris dignissim orci, sed convallis elit ipsum at justo. Donec feugiat justo vitae mollis pretium. Suspendisse ultrices, tellus vitae varius convallis, ipsum justo commodo dui, a feugiat mauris turpis ut turpis. In laoreet magna eu consectetur facilisis. Etiam ut tempus metus. Phasellus maximus eros tempor est pretium.


Sign Up For Our Prayer Team

Are you a Prayer Warrior? We would love to have you join our prayer team, and receive regular prayer requests.

Discipleship opportunities

Have a heart for disciplehip? Need discipleship? Click below to so you can connect with someone and change a life!

Make a Donation

Would you like to support New Hope Church financially? Your gifts will be used for furthering discipleship opportunities.